the Way Writers


At NovelPad, we’re dedicated to empowering authors with simple, powerful tools to help bring their stories to life.

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The Story Behind NovelPad

Founded in 2020 by Stephen Mann and Christian Le Doux, NovelPad was born out of the desire to simplify the writing process for authors. Tired of overly complicated and outdated tools, they created a user-friendly software that puts the writer first, offering powerful yet intuitive features.

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Our Story - Dark X Webflow Template

Our Mission in Empowering Writers

At NovelPad, our mission is simple: to provide authors with the tools they need to focus on what truly matters—writing. We aim to eliminate distractions and streamline the writing process, enabling novelists everywhere to achieve their creative goals with ease and efficiency.

The values that drive
everything we do

At NovelPad, we are guided by a set of core values that shape our approach to building tools for writers.

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We constantly evolve, adding new features to enhance your writing experience.

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We foster a supportive environment where authors connect, share, and grow together.

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We build tools that are easy to use, so you can focus on writing, not the tech.

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Our platform gives writers the freedom to create with intuitive, seamless features.